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Have you tried meeting new people? Or connecting more intentionally with those you already know?

If yes, you probably realised that having deeper conversations is not an easy task.

In some environments, conversations tend to stick to small talk: weather, work, and weekend plans. Rather than fulfilling our need for connection, they can leave us craving something more. More depth, more sincerity, more warmth…

Worse yet, sometimes personal exchanges turn into polarising debates, creating walls between us instead of bridges.

We are changing this

Through the kollektiv facilitation methods, we’ve developed spaces specifically designed to promote meaningful interactions. We create environments where authentic connections thrive. And the best part? We can teach you how to do the same!

What makes people come (back) to kollektiv events?

A community to rely on

Get involved, give back, and thrive in a supportive community, where your participation benefits yourself and also enriches the collective experience.

Welcoming atmosphere

Kollektiv participants consistently rate the welcoming atmosphere at 4.9 out of 5. We’re all about making spaces safer and more relatable for you.

Everlasting connections

Dive into a melting pot of a wide range of perspectives and life stories, making new connections with people that you’ll be happy to see again.

(un)common connections

The best way to address social topics? Collectively.

Brought together in collaboration with partner organisations, (un)common connections take different approaches, including panel discussions, workshops, and performances. Their signature element is meaningful networking to share, connect, and dive deeper into topics of impact, positive action, and collaboration. 

Female* Leadership Circle (F*LC)

Women* leaders: If you’re actively leading or aspire to lead your life and positively contribute to the lives of others, you are invited to this vibrant community!

Join the circle and embrace the feminine strength of bringing collaboration, empathy, and intuition to fields like entrepreneurship, personal growth, education and more.